In Psalm 23 we read that the Lord is my shepherd, and that because He is my shepherd, I shall not want. This Living God shepherds me. He shepherds you. He shepherds us individually as we need and He desires. We may be in a herd, but we are treated according to our need. We have no lack, for the Lord God who made heaven and earth is our faithful friend and shepherd of our souls. He makes me lie down in cool places when I need rest, he leads me to quiet, still waters where I may drink and be sustained. He does for me whatever He knows is best for me. He takes care of me and my needs.
He takes me down the paths of righteousness for the sake of His glory and His name. Sometimes I might not even know where the path is leading, but He is faithful to lead me where I need to go. Sometimes that path leads me into the valley of the shadow of death. Still, He is leading me, and I am never, never, no never alone. While I am there, I do not have to fear evil, for this strong, mighty shepherd is the one who is with me. With a word, He can slay the enemy, with a whisper, my enemies turn and run. He is an awesome God, and He is MY shepherd.
Your rod, which looks like it could hurt me, actually keeps me from falling off the edge of the bank, and it prevents me from stumbling over narrow ledges. Your staff, is a comfort to me, because I know that if I fall, you will reach into the gully or hole and grab me with it's hook. When I see it, I think, "Ah, that is my safety." And you are strong enough to pick me up when I tumble into a chasm. You are able to carry me to safety.
Out in the middle of the field, when wolves and lions and other predators are surrounding me, hidden in the wood line, you let me feed and sleep and rest. And as if to remind them of your strength and power over them, you take me up into your arms; you rub sweet oil into my wounds; you pour oil over my head. I can lay my head and rest well, for I know you, my Good Shepherd, are watching over me. I am completely filled with joy and awe at your goodness, and the abundance of your lovingkindness to me. I have more, so much more than enough. It overflows because of its abundance.
Because of your faithfulness over and over again, I know that goodness and mercy will always follow me. They follow me because I am following you, and wherever you go, there is abundance and grace and overflowing love and kindness. Mercy keeps me, holds me, and sustains me in my unsteady and often unfaithful steps. Goodness is with me because I am with you.
And most importantly, I will dwell with you forever. Wherever you go I shall go; you will never leave or forsake; you have gone to prepare a place for me. I dwell in you, and you dwell in me. This union with you is beyond my wildest dreams and expectations, hopes, or dreams.
When the shepherd sees us, he has compassion on us, because we are harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (Matthew 9:36) When he sees us in this broken condition, He teaches us many things (Mark 6:34) He calls Himself the Good Shepherd because He does not forsake us. He calls us by name, and leads us out. Then He goes before us. He is so good, in fact, that He is willing to lay down His life for us. A bad shepherd sees the wolf coming and abandons his sheep, but not our shepherd. We hear His voice and we know it because it has a special music to it. It's hard to duplicate such lovingkindness and tender mercy. (John 10)
Then, because He has all power, this Great Shepherd of the sheep will equip us with everything that is good for doing his will, and he works in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever an ever.
(Hebrews 13:20)
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